Recent Books

Publications to help guide young readers, their parents, and educators in exploring STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) topics at the elementary and middle school level.

Coding for Kids (2019)

Coding for Kids 2e (2019)

Coding for Kids (2nd ed.)

Fun coding projects covering key concepts in Scratch, App Lab, and MakeCode for micro:bit.

Helping Kids with Coding (2018)

Helping Kids with Coding (2018)

Helping Kids with Coding

Help for grown-ups, from parents to afterschool mentors, who see to assist kids with coding.

Getting Started with Coding (2019)

Getting Started with Coding (2019)

Getting Started with Coding (2nd ed.) 

Intro programming concepts and five fun projects in Scratch and MakeCode for micro:bit.

Getting Started with Engineering (2016)

Getting Started with Engineering (2016)

Getting Started with Engineering

Hands-on projects using everyday materials to explore engineering themes.